Gary Ingersoll

Gary Ingersoll was born on September 6, 1939 in the small town of Austin, Minnesota. Gary’s relentless passion for the outdoors has earned him the coveted Weatherby Award and Conklin Award.  Two of the most prestigious hunting awards in the world.  

Throughout his life, Gary has been an ardent supporter of many hunting and conservation organizations. Through his volunteerism and financial support, Gary has an enviable record of giving back to the hunting community. A longtime supporter of FNAWS, GSCO, SCI, and RMEF, to name only a few, Gary has put back every bit as much as he has taken, and then some. He has financially and often times, solely, underwritten conservation projects in the United States, Asia, and Africa. His trophy room is a constant source of entertainment for grade school projects and every year he volunteers to be a guest guide for underprivileged and urban youth who are given the opportunity to take their first hunt in Texas at the DD ranch.