Building powerful partnerships: A Rotary Club Blueprint for global Service Panel Discussion
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Partnerships to rebuild Ukraine (Panel)
UN-SDG #2 End Hunger Food Programs
Climate breakdown is supercharged by economic insecurity
Get real: A positive solution to climate change
The Beanstalk Project
River Recycle: Partnering to clean up rivers in the americas
Keynote: Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin
People, Planet, and Profit (panel)
How artificial intelligence could have prevented the smokehouse creek fire
The environmental aspect of wildfires
Building a sustainable next generation EV Charging station network
The UN: Platform to Engage with and partner on SDGS
Building Bridges: Trans-Mexico Nearshoring Opportunities
Welcoming remarks
Powering Our Nations Forward: Securing Regional Strategy
Building Our Gameplan: The Future of Sports in North America
Leading The Way
Brownfields and Battle Scars: A conversation between North Texas Enviro-Veterans
Urban Planning: Density and The future of North Texas
Harold Simmons Park