Thomas Bear Musgraves

Bear Musgrave is a 5th generation South Texas Rancher by birth and profession. He attended Texas Military Institute and Texas Christian University where he earned a BS and completed the TCU Ranch Management program.  During high school and college, Bear earned his Commercial Multi-Engine Instrument Flight Certificate. 

Bear began his career at La Barroneña Ranch running cattle and deer operations with his family. 

Simultaneously, Bear worked on his business career outside of agriculture. Bear’s business career spans: 

GSM Grande Ford 1990-1997 

Owner/Operator of Musgrave Properties Construction Co. 1997-2004 

Project Manager, The Sunrise Company – 2004-2008 

President, MCCP 2008-2011 

President CMC 2011-2015 

CEO Tate Branch Auto Group 2015-2017 

President Truck System Technologies 2017-2024 

Many of these positions include restructuring the businesses to get them on the path to profitability. 

When asked why Bear felt confident restructuring and building businesses, he goes back to his roots and his passions, ranching and aviation. Bear says he learned about forecasting, supply chain and management through understanding the needs of a cattle herd. “if I knew our cattle needed feed and water tomorrow, I’ve killed them, if I planned 6 months out to water and feed our herd, then we would be okay.” Through aviation, Bear learned to forecast weather, operate within strict parameters and recognize his limits. “In aviation, there are no fender benders” Bear said. “Two seemingly unrelated endeavors, ranching and aviation, have taught me lessons and given me the confidence to be successful in most anything I have ever tried.” Bear credits his Great Grandfather, John Mirza Bennett, for teaching him to be a conservationist. “Do what’s right for the land and for the cattle, and the land and cattle will take care of you. Exploit either of them, and you’ll be broke before you know it” taught Mr. Bennett. Bear’s father, Tim Musgrave, also taught him many lessons. The most important lesson about land management was that the family never owned the land, sure they possessed title to it, but its God’s land, and our job is to be the best steward of that land and pass it to the next generation in better condition and free of debt. It is interesting that of all the land Mr. Bennett accumulated, not one single acre has ever been sold by succeeding generations. Bear recalled a phrase from the prayers his father taught him, “Lord, let us always remember what we have been given, and what we have earned.” This, Bear says, has kept him grounded. “I didn’t earn this land, I do not own this land, I am a steward of it, I will pass it on intact to the next generation.” 

Today, Bear continues to operate La Barroneña Ranch for the family. He runs a commercial cow calf herd, meat goat herd and manages all surface leases.